
Saturday before last, "Women of the Vine", a new social networking group started by my Mom and I here in Maryland, celebrated its first gathering. It was wondeful! We had a glorious time being introduced to one another, sharing our experiences and knowledge pertaining to breast cancer and health in general and acquiring new knowledge about the luxury of cognac! It was just the kind of atmosphere I had hoped it would be, enlightening and relaxing yet filled with excitement, fun and laughter. We talked about our kids and their interests i.e., education, sports and first homecoming dances (remember those). We talked about our professions and after a few sips of Courvoisier (MUCH MORE). Susan, my mom Patricia, Diane and Edith, the quieter of the bunch graced us with their knods and smiles at the cognac tasting. Sheila opened our eyes to the new era of women taking matters into their own hands, with her stories about homeschooling two elementary level children and running a business from home. Shiba had us all dreaming about one day experiencing the life of a celebrity when she shared her and former client Yolanda Adams' delight at receiving diamond earrings for a gift at Oprah's Legends Ball. Lynette, well she entertained us just by being her usual get down to business, here's what you should do, woman-in-charge self :) . The evening was capped off with a little more XO (the favored blend of the ladies) and some toe-to-toe beautification, compliments of Tracie Rose (my girl, who lit the place up with her unique ray of light-I really meant personality, but she did bring lights for her display ;) of Echo Foot Jewelry. They even had me modeling some of her beautifully handcrafted designs and I must say "my feet never looked so good"! What a beautiful beginning!

I was holding out for the pictures I took but I can't figure out how to work my new camera yet. I'll be sure to post them when I get it together.

Peace and Love Sisters